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In Yii2, if you want to create a GridView with a DataProvider that includes related models and additional select columns, you can do the following:
Create a Query with Related Models and Additional Select Columns:
$query = YourModel::find()
->select(['your_table.*', 'related_table.column AS alias'])
Create a DataProvider using the Query:
$dataProvider = new \yii\data\ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'pagination' => [
'pageSize' => 20, // Set your desired page size
Configure GridView to use the DataProvider:
<?= \yii\grid\GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'columns' => [
// ... other attributes from your model ...
'alias', // Access the added select column
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
// ... configure action buttons ...
]); ?>
Make sure to replace 'your_table', 'related_table', 'alias', 'relatedRelation', and 'attribute1', 'attribute2' with actual table and attribute names from your application.
Keep in mind that this assumes you have properly set up your models, relations, and database tables in Yii2.
Remember to adjust the column names, relations, and conditions to match your specific application. This code serves as a template and may need to be customized based on your specific requirements.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {
private static final String VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN = "access token"; private static final String VIMDEO_ID = "Your video id"; private PlayerView playerView; private SimpleExoPlayer player;
//Release references private boolean playWhenReady = false; //If true the player auto play the media private int currentWindow = 0; private long playbackPosition = 0;
//To play streaming media, you need an ExoPlayer object. //SimpleExoPlayer is a convenient, all-purpose implementation of the ExoPlayer interface. player = new SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(this).build(); playerView.setPlayer(player);
//Supply the state information you saved in releasePlayer to your player during initialization. player.setPlayWhenReady(playWhenReady); player.seekTo(currentWindow, playbackPosition); player.prepare(); }
Now, we just create anAsyncHttpClient, and then execute a request specifying an anonymous class as a callback:*;;AsyncHttpClientclient=newAsyncHttpClient();RequestParamsparams=newRequestParams();params.put("key","value");params.put("more","data");client.get("",params,newTextHttpResponseHandler(){@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(intstatusCode,Header[]headers,Stringres){// called when response HTTP status is "200 OK"}@OverridepublicvoidonFailure(intstatusCode,Header[]headers,Stringres,Throwablet){// called when response HTTP status is "4XX" (eg. 401, 403, 404)}});
This will automatically execute the request asynchronously and fire theonSuccesswhen the response returns a success code andonFailureif the response does not.